Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Second Week (Setting up a Google Alert and iGoogle page)

Well, here I am again on Entering the New Age. I may start to call it ENA to save my wrist from encountering CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome). Anyway, I have recently returned from an awesome 5 day adventure out state and feel somewhat refreshed. However, it does not take long to return to the "Rock-N-Roll" of life. I really don't think there is much of a choice about this at this time. But to confess, I really don't mind it and actually find myself enjoying it. Well, I have yet to visit other bloggers in my class and hope to figure it out soon. The set up of the Google Alert and iGoogle page was rather simple. I could only hope that most thing to be encountered with this new age will be as simple. My Google Alert should assist me in some local happening in pediatrics. I hope to refine it or even add additional alerts when my brain is ready to take on additional information.

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