Sunday, October 11, 2009

First week second blog entry

I am again on the New Age Blog to follow up to determine if my previous blog entry had gone through. As I went back to check, I did not find it. I had saved the entry by clicking on save. However, when I went back to check the blog, I was unable to find the entry. I figured that might happen. Nevertheless....oh well. I will briefly state what I had mentioned in my earlier blog. I really enjoyed the class and thought Zoma did a great job. I thank her again for her patients with me. My avatar choice was to give the impression of minimalism. This is something I attempt to pursue every day in my life. However, in this New Age, it takes practice and effort. Anyway, I am feeling the fatigue of a busy weekend come over me at this moment and need to rest my head soon. I would like to place more on this blog but am too tired. Good Night.


  1. Great job, Jim! If you press the "Save" button on your blog post, it saves it as a draft. To get the post to show up on your blog, you need to hit the "Publish" button...which, obviously you have figured out!!! Sorry, if that was not clear in my instructions. I hope you will have fun and learn lots during this class. It is not meant to stress you out, and we will be working on everything together! Have a great day!

  2. Great job Jim! The rest of us were waiting in suspense to see what your Avatar persona would be. I think you should give us your password so we can outfit you--we'd have great fun with that!

  3. Jim, you're doing great! It takes me forever to find things, but I'm getting better!
